唐纳德·克拉斯科 Ronald Klasko

H. Ronald Klasko, Esq.

电话: 215-825-8608

电子邮件: rklasko@klaskolaw.com

网站: www.eb5immigration.com

H. Ronald Klasko (Ron) 律师是美国国内顶尖的 EB-5 投资和条约投资(E-2)律师。他从 2009 年至 2014 年担任了美国移民律师协会 EB-5 委员会的主席。作为主席,他积极和美国移民局互动,促成了 多项有助于 EB-5 项目政策的落实。作为美国投资移民行业协会 IIUSA 行业规范委员会的主席,Ron 同 区域中心,项目开发商以及 EB-5 专业人士一起,起草了第一份详尽的 EB-5 行业规范清单。

Ron 代理了超过 30 个被通过的区域中心。另外,许许多多的美国国内的开发商和商界人士都就利用 EB-5 建立投资项目筹集资金这一问题寻求过 Ron 的帮助。Ron 的法律服务包含:建立新的指定区域中 心申请;区域中心内项目预先批准申请;现有区域中心接纳新项目;I-526 申请模板准备;以及为 EB- 5 项目成功进行市场推广提出建议。

Ron 成功代理了来自全世界各地的上百位 EB-5 投资人。他的客户包含了 EB-5 直投投资人,EB-5 共投 投资人,以及区域中心投资人。

Ron 在条约投资签证(E-2)方面也有显著的声望。Ron 本人是确立了条约投资签证重要判例的 Matters of Walsh and Pollard 这一著名案件的首席律师。

Ron 在 EB-5 领域撰文颇多。同时,他也就 EB-5 问题在美国国内和国际上发表了许多演说。

Ron 是 Klasko Immigration Law Partners 的创始人,执行合伙人,以拥有 23 名团队成员的律所 EB- 5 业务组的主管。Ron 拥有超过 30 年的移民法经验。在他的带领下,我们律师事务所常年和其他 5 家 律所被国际钱伯斯法律排名认定为全美顶尖的商业移民律所。而 Ron 本人也在过去 5 年内被国际商业 律师年鉴评为世界上最受尊敬的商业移民律师之一。

Ron 是美国移民律师协会(AILA)的前全国主席。他曾担任该协会的法务主管,并且自 1980 年来就常 年任职于该协会的董事会。Ron 同时也曾担任 AILA 商业移民委员会的全国主席。他同时也是声名卓著 的商业移民律师联盟的成员。

在过去的 20 年中,Ron 都被列入非常有信服力的“全美最佳律师名录”。他也因对移民法法学界的巨 大贡献被授予 AILA 创立者奖。该奖项自设立以来一共只颁给了 3 位执业律师。Ron 毕业于宾夕法尼亚 大学法学院。

H. Ronald Klasko (Ron) is widely recognized by businesses, universities, hospitals, scholars, investors and other lawyers as one of the country’s leading immigration lawyers. A founding member of Klasko Immigration Law Partners, LLP and its Managing Partner, he has practiced immigration law exclusively over three decades.

Under his leadership, the firm has been chosen every year for the last ten years by the highly regarded Chambers Global; Ron himself is recognized annually as being in Band 1 of immigration lawyers by Chambers Global and Tier 1 in Best Lawyers in America©. In addition, he has also been repeatedly selected for inclusion in Lawdragon’s/Human Resource Executive’s list of The Most Powerful Employment Attorneys Guide, and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2018. Who’s Who Legal in Corporate Immigration named him as the most highly regarded immigration lawyer in the world.

A former National President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), Ron currently serves as Chair of the Administrative Litigation Task Force and is a member of the National Committee for the 2018-2019 term. He served as General Counsel of AILA for three Presidents and has been a member of its Board of Governors since 1980. He has served as National Chair of AILA’s U.S. Department of Labor Liaison Committee and Business Immigration Committee, and he served as National Chair of that organization’s INS General Counsel Liaison Committee and the National Task Forces on Labor Certifications, H-1 visas, L-1 visas and Employer Sanctions. He completed his fifth term as Chair of the EB-5 Committee of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) in 2017. Ron is one of only three practicing attorneys ever honored with the AILA Founders Award for his contributions to immigration jurisprudence.

At the request of members of Congress and their staffs, Ron has testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary and the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. He has been invited to lecture and provide training to staff members and lawyers of the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of State, INS General Counsel Management Conference, Immigration Judges Association and U.S. Department of Justice. In addition, he has been an Adjunct Professor of Immigration Law at Villanova University Law School and is a frequent lecturer on immigration law subjects.

A member of the prestigious Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers, Ron is the co-author of the two volume Employers’ Immigration Compliance Guide (Matthew Bender 1985). He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School.


    纽约州 New York
    宾夕法尼亚州 Pennsylvania


    移民 Immigration


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